Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Speaking Game 3


This is a fast fun way to pair students for another activity. Just print this page, copy on to colored paper if you want, cut each sentence: questions and answers.

Students should walk around the room and find the missing half of their exchange. Combinations must be logical. This sheet has a total of nine exchanges, which allows for eighteen students. If your class size is larger than this, just duplicate one sentence for every two extra students.

As an alternative, you could make multiple copies of this page, cut the same as above, divide students into groups, and give each group all the exchanges to match.

Telephone Calls and Answers

May I please speak to Jerry?

He's not here right now. May I take a message?

I'd like to make a reservation.

For how many people?

Is this the Animal Defense League?

The Animal...what? Sorry, I think you have the wrong number.

May I please speak to Maria Shigematzu in Accounting?

She just stepped out for a minute. Can I have her call you back?

Sorry to bother you but-

Do you know what time it is?

I'd like to order a large pizza with Canadian bacon and pineapple.

Delivery or pick-up?

I'd like to place an order for 500 red pens.

Sorry, we're out of red. We should be getting more in next week.

I really have to get back to my English homework.

Oh, I'll let you go. Give me a call when you have some time.

I'm sorry I didn't call you last night. I fell asleep early.

That's okay. I wasn't here anyway.

Karin's ESL PartyLand/ ©1999 by Karin M. Cintron & Karl Graham/Reproducible for Classroom Use

Grammar Game 2

Chained Sentences with "if"

This game needs students understanding about Conditional Sentence in any type, I, II, or III. It can be performed writtenly or orally.

- To enrich students understanding about Conditional Sentences.
- To motivate students express their ability in making sentences.

Intermediate to advance


How to play:
- Give students a conditional sentence as a starter. It can be written on the board, or spoken orally.
For instance:
"If I were a president, I would build a dam"

- Ask one of students continue that sentence, started with
"If I built a dam, (SUBJECT) would (VERB) ..........."

- Then, ask another student to continue, with
"If (SUBJECT) (VERB II) , .........................................."

Remember that sentence with "if" is converted from the former sentence of condition.

Example results:

If I were a president, I would build a dam.
If I built a dam, all people would help me.
If all people helped me, I could take a rest.
If I took a rest, I would eat a lot of bananas.
If I ate a lot of bananas, my stomach would be sick.
If my stomach were sick, ...........................................

Students who can not make a new sentence will be punished: singing, dancing, etc, to make this game more interesting.